About me

Meet usHi, my name is Jenni. I am the wife to my Mr Perfect, mom to 2 gorgeous boys and a friend to many.

This is my honest, raw and real life account of my life as a wife & mom. 90% of the time I have no idea what I’m doing so just wing it. I generally say things as they are, no sugar-coating which has been known to rub some peeps up the wrong way. I often speak before I think and generally share way too much! 

You will notice 2 specific threads that run through my blog namely weight loss & postnatal depression. I made my blog public because I suffered severe, undiagnosed PND for 14 months and am passionate about breaking the silence around this illness. Weight loss is something I’ve been battling my whole life; I was 5,2kgs when born and I’ve never been the skinny kid. I have always been active but I love food, all food, I don’t discriminate. I also love wine, champagne & the odd shooter, so watching my weight is a lifetime commitment. I share the ups & downs, recipes and thoughts.

I love to bake, I also love to lick the bowl. I don’t bake nearly as much as I’d like to because, once freshly baked goods are in my house they must be eaten! Some days even the batter will do!

The basics? March 2014 I married my best friend & soulmate, December 2015 Tristan was born followed by Grayson in June 2019. June 2021 we emigrated from South Africa to the UK.

I am an open book; ask me anything. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Much love xxx

Mr M is camera shy; he’s very much around and involved, he just prefers to stay out of the limelight