Social media


Instagram... actually social media in general is weird. Who's with me? No one? Ok read a little more and you can decide at the end of this post. We follow, like and comment on photos posted by people that, most of the time, we don't even know! Why are we so interested in other people's … Continue reading Instagram


As a blogger I feel it's expected of you to have a business Instagram account. That means your account is open to anyone to view everything on your feed & stories. My Insta account has been a business account, until recently. Let me explain why. Why I took my Instagram blogging profile private I sat … Continue reading Blogging


For those of you who don't know, I attended the first Cape Town instamamameet on Saturday morning at The Backyard Cafe. It was an absolutely wonderfully organised event by 4 very special ladies (Gabi, Simone, Nadine & Nicole) and I loved meeting so many instamamas in person for the first time. To be honest, being … Continue reading Instamamameet