Expat life

Expat life

Expat life brings with it a whole range of emotions and thoughts. Who would have thought that a hug from friends would be the one thing that I miss the most! Not to mention just knowing they are around the corner even if you don't see them regularly. Here are  my thoughts... Since arriving in … Continue reading Expat life



Hands up if you experience guilt at least once a week. Now hands up if you feel guilty at least once a day. Without actually doing a real life survey I know that there's a very large contingent of readers who feel guilty on a daily basis. BC Before children I honestly rarely felt guilty … Continue reading Guilty

Who am I

Who am I?

I find myself, 42 years old, 2 young children who attend school daily, married to a wonderful man who provides very well for us and I'm lost! How dare I say such a thing when I seemingly 'have it all'? Why is that not enough? Why am I not more grateful for everything that I … Continue reading Who am I?

Settling in the UK

I always knew that settling in the UK wasn't going to be easy, but in some ways it's proved way more challenging than I'd expected. Read on to find out why... let's start at the very beginning We arrived on Saturday 12 June and went straight into compulsory hotel quarantine. We finished up on Wednesday … Continue reading Settling in the UK

Turning 40

Turning 40

When I turned 30, turning 40 seemed like a lifetime away. People who were 40 were old, had grown up children, were fully fledged adults. But I'm now 40 and I certainly don't feel that way. When I think of all that I did in those 10 years I feel proud! Turning 40, for me … Continue reading Turning 40