
For those of you who don’t know, I attended the first Cape Town instamamameet on Saturday morning at The Backyard Cafe. It was an absolutely wonderfully organised event by 4 very special ladies (Gabi, Simone, Nadine & Nicole) and I loved meeting so many instamamas in person for the first time. To be honest, being almost 36 weeks pregnant, I am not at my most social so I didn’t mingle as much as I would have liked but hey, I still had a wonderful time!

Through the morning we were treated to some delicious food, a wonderful and inspiring speaker as well as a facial buffet by Elixir Fusion. My skin felt so wonderful after using their products which are based on the use of essential oils. If you’re looking for something new to try they have a wonderful range and even a few starter kit options with smaller product sizes so you don’t have to waste!

At the end of the morning we were gifted not 1, but 2 (yes 2) gift bags of sponsored items and I wanted to share a few with you here!

Lingerie letters

This is a sponsor I’d never heard of before; basically it’s a lingerie (knickers only) club whereby you can subscribe and each month you receive a new pair of beautiful, locally made knickers! How awesome is that? No more hunting around shops trying to find beautiful panties! They arrive, beautifully packaged to your front door. They are clearly doing something right as they have quite a following and such a unique product! Lingerie Letters has been around since 2012 and a monthly subscription is (currently) only R175.00 INCLUDING FREE delivery! Wow!

Gift wrap & cards

Hands up if you love receiving gifts; beautifully wrapped gifts at that! I know I do and I’m not alone. There were 2 items in our gift bags at instamamameet that go so well together. Tissue paper by Tish and Shoo plus gift cards by Made by Marelie. Both these products are, once again, made locally and I love supporting local products & brands. They are also really affordable and, you can have the tissue paper personalised! How cool is that? I really love the sayings on the 2 cards I received and can’t wait to wrap a gift and use these wonderful products!

Another product that deserves a mention here is Silistraw; if you’ve not heard of them then where have you been? Lol. I’ve posted about them before on my grid and I was gifted another Silistraw in my instamamameet gift bag. Remember my discount code (suburban_cape_town_mom) when you check out. I love these straws for a variety of reasons but mainly because they are 100% reusable so I keep 2 in my bag at all times and it’s so compact so there’s no excuse to ever use a normal straw again. Let’s all do our bit to save the environment!

I’m busy finalising all the things for my hospital bag and I am thrilled that we were given (by Associated Media Publishing) 3 of my favourite magazines – House & Leisure, Cosmopolitan and Good Housekeeping. They are definitely going in so that I have something to read between hospital check in and going off for my c-section.

So basically those are the items I really wanted to share with you as they are some of my favourites. You’ll have seen some of Tristan’s favourites in my stories as well. If you want any more info on any of the above, click on respective links or pop me a message.

Much love xxx

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