Essential oils

Essential oils

Essential oils is the latest buzz-word at the moment. Kerry has been my go to girl for all things essential oils since Grayson was a few months old. Her knowledge seems endless and her patience with my continuous questions is amazing. Not only is Kerry a mom to 2 kiddos, she is also a modern day medicine woman, conscious parenting coach and so much more. I hope you enjoy her post. 

Kerry essential oils guruHi! My name is Kerry, and I’m an essential oils user.

User. Lover. Educator.

I could spend hours talking about how essential oils have changed my life, and how they continue to benefit and support my family.

Spend time on Instagram or Facebook and within minutes you’ll come across some type of essential oils content. The dark, glass bottles and picture guides to get you started on an essential oil journey are everywhere! Some conversations on essential oils and which brand is better spark heated debates among the closets of friends. It’s a serious topic these days! Essential oils are popular today, and for good reason, but knowing what an essential oil is and how they can benefit you is really important if you’re going to make informed decision for yourself, and your family.

Essential oils

In the most basic of terms an essential oil is a highly concentrated plant extract. Essential oils, when still in plant form, give a plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits. Inside many plants—hidden in roots, seeds, flowers, bark—are concentrated, highly potent chemical compounds. These natural compounds are essential oils.

When you open a bottle of pure, untouched essential oil, your senses are instantly filled with its potent aroma, even from a distance. What your nose detects are the naturally occurring elements of the essential oil. Every oil varies in its natural makeup, so aromas and benefits are also unique. For example, lavender oil includes elements that make it effective for soothing skin irritations, reducing anxiousness and feelings of tension, and promoting a restful environment for sleep. Meanwhile, when taken internally, Frankincense oil supports the immune, nervous, and digestive systems, and aids in healthy cellular function. Many essential oils are antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiseptic, immune stimulators, and anti-infectious – making it a no brainer as to why you would want them in your home!

Why use essential oils

Some essential oils are soothing, toning, and grounding, while others are energising, warming, and renewing—but all essential oils are natural. I use essential oils in my home to maintain a healthy lifestyle for myself and my children; we clean with them, cook with them, they’re part of our morning, afternoon and night time routines. My daughter has her own oily first aid kit in her school bag. I use them with my clients. Basically our life revolves around our essential oils! About 6 years ago I started on my journey with essential oils, for two basic needs… immune and emotional support.

I had been through a stressful divorce and couldn’t seem to get my body or mind healthy. dōTERRA was the answer I had been searching for. I dove in head first, and after about a year of really educating myself and using the products, I figured out how to change our everyday household items and make an alternative with my oils!


So many of the products we use in our day-to-day lives are filled with synthetic chemicals. These unnatural products can weigh us down and even negatively influence the way we think, feel and live. dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils are nothing short of perfection in my mind! The purity, potency, and results are the reason we had the results that we did, and continue to have.

For years my daughter battled with anxiety, I suffered from chronic pain due to scoliosis and as a result rarely had a good night’s sleep. As part of wanting to take a more natural approach to health and wellbeing, we ditched the pharmaceutical options and started supporting these areas with our essential oils. I’m happy to report that my daughter has been anxiety-free for over three years now, and I’ve never slept better!

I could write pages and pages on how these simple bottles have made huge impacts – postnatal issues, hair loss, hormone support, digestion support, skin ailments, sleep support, newborn battles, stress, concentration, immune boosting, home schooling relief (thanks COVID!) and so on.

Choosing essential oils

I think the majority of oil users would agree on the why, but here’s where oily talk gets a bit controversial. When choosing oils for you and your family, you want to ensure you make the BEST choice! Let me tell you WHY dōTERRA and WHY you should choose them, just like I did!

dōTERRA is committed to providing the purest, most potent essential oils possible. dōTERRA employs a global network of farmers who know intimately the process of growing plants for oils. Every dōTERRA oil is put through the highest standard of rigorous and thorough testing and sets the bar for quality, purity, efficacy and consistency.

I can honestly say that I have tried many different brands of essential oils over the last 7 years, local and international, and I have not experienced the same results as what I do with dōTERRA oils.

How to essential oilHow to use essential oils

Traditionally, certain essential oil application methods have been preferred or used exclusively. However, as the research surrounding essential oils continues to develop, a greater understanding of application methods is now understood. All application methods are safe when used appropriately, including aromatic, topical, and internal methods. One or multiple application methods can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. They can be used as a single oil at a time or in complex blends in one of three methods:


The sense of smell is a tool that can elicit powerful physiologic, mental and emotional responses. Essential oils are quickly absorbed by the smell receptors, which have a direct link to the limbic system by way of the olfactory nerve. The limbic system is part of the brain that supports a variety of functions including smell, emotions, behaviour and memory. For this reason, essential oils have an especially powerful effect via aromatic application.

Some oils induce uplifting or invigorating effects, while others are more calming. Diffusion is one of the simplest methods for using essential oils aromatically. Diffusers that use cold air or water are ideal. However, using essential oils aromatically does not require any special diffusing devices.

You can achieve the same health benefits by simply placing a few drops of essential oil in the palm of your hand that is then cupped around the nose as you breathe deeply.

Additional aromatic uses for Essential Oils include:

  • Most common use for Aromatic is to grab your diffuser, fill it up with water to the required amount, and add 4-6 drops of oils of choice. You can add one oil, or blend different oils together! I always recommend experimenting and finding what diffuser blends you love! Check out my Instagram under my highlight bubble titled diffuser blends!
  • Apply oil to a cotton ball and place in the air vents of your car
  • Mix oils in a spray bottle with water and mist over furniture, carpet, or linens
  • Add oil to a batch of laundry
  • Use in your home cleaning products


Topical application is a very effective method for applying essential oils. Because essential oils have low molecular weights and are lipid soluble, they easily penetrate the skin. Once absorbed, they stay in the applied area for a localized benefit.

Although essential oils are readily absorbed, there are many ways to increase absorption. Using a light massage will increase the blood flow to the area of application, in turn improving distribution throughout the body. Use of a carrier oil can also increase absorption, especially in skin that is dry or flaky as it helps moisturise the skin and slow evaporation of the oil.

To decrease the likelihood of developing a skin sensitivity, especially on young or sensitive skin, it is advisable to use a carrier oil (such as Fractionated Coconut Oil) to dilute more potent oils and when trying an oil for the first time. The recommend dilution ratio is typically one drop of essential oil to three drops carrier oil.

It’s always advisable to use several small doses throughout the day rather than a single large dose. Start with the lowest possible dose (1–2 drops). A topical dose can be repeated every 4–6 hours as required. Because every individual is unique, the dose will vary for each individual based on size, age, and overall health status.

Essential oilsBeneficial Areas You Can Apply Essential Oils:

  • Neck
  • Forehead and temples
  • Chest and abdomen
  • Arms, legs, and bottom of feet

Other Effective Methods of Topical Application:

  • Add a few drops of oil to a warm bath
  • Make a hot or cold compress by soaking a towel or cloth in water, adding oils, and then applying to the desired area
  • Add oil to a lotion or moisturizer and apply to skin

Sensitive Areas to be Avoided:

  • Some facial areas, such as the skin around the eyes
  • Eyes and inner ears
  • Broken, damaged, or otherwise injured skin


Certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions. When you sprinkle cinnamon on your oatmeal, sip a mug of peppermint tea, or add fresh basil leaves to your spaghetti, you are actually consuming some volatile aromatic essential oil compounds.

Essential oils contributes many health benefits as well as flavouring and aroma properties to foods. When in their concentrated form, essential oils can be used as dietary supplements for more targeted and potent health benefits. Internal use is a very safe and effective method of application because of the sophisticated physiologic processes of our bodies.

When ingested, essential oils directly enter the blood stream via the gastrointestinal tract, where they are transported throughout the rest of the body. Essential oils are lipid soluble so they are readily transported to all organs of the body, including the brain. Then, like all things we consume, essential oils are metabolised by the liver and other organs and are then excreted.

The composition of essential oils is highly complex. Each constituent possesses a unique set of biochemical properties that react with cells and organs in different ways. Although these mechanisms of action are not completely understood, the positive end results have been demonstrated. However, the body is only equipped to handle appropriate doses of oils.

Proper dosing according to labelling recommendations and other professional guidelines should be strictly followed to avoid toxicity.

Effective Methods of Internal Application:

  • Essential oils with foodUse oils in recipes for cooking or baking to replace fresh or dried herbs and spices
  • For more potent oils, it may be better to administer them by toothpicks (dip the end of a clean toothpick into the oil and then add to the food) rather than drops
  • Add to water, smoothies, milk, tea, or other drinks
  • Taken internally in a veggie capsule or add to a small amount of applesauce or yogurt

Which oils do I love?

All of them! But if I had to really nail it down, the Top Ten is what the most popular oils are referred too, and rightfully so. There is an oil (or oil blend) to address a multitude of issues; from immune support, emotional support, sleep support to digestive support, overall body functioning, cleaning and purifying, concentration and energy, headache support, skin support, respiratory support, inflammation, aches and pains. These ten oils – six oils and four oil blends – are where I turn for my families basic daily needs.

The Top Ten consists of Frankincense, Lemon, Tea Tree, Oregano, Lavender, Peppermint, DeepBlue, OnGuard, ZenGest and Breathe.

If you head over to my Instagram, and look at the Top10 highlight bubble, you can explore the many, many uses for each of these 10 oils.

In closing

The beauty of using oils as part of a natural option for health and wellness, the variety of essential oils allows you to naturally and effectively maintain your health and tailor your routine to address your specific health issues. Essential oils are powerful and serve a wonderful purpose in the natural family’s home. Always make informed choices and do your own research with essential oils. With knowledge and a few high-quality oils you can make many homemade products and enjoy therapeutic benefits.

2 thoughts on “Essential oils

  1. Chantel Dannaher says:

    Very interesting read, thank you! I suffered from bad headaches when I was pregnant and found that rubbing lavender oil on my temples helped a lot!

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