Life update

A life update. Tristan is such a joy at the moment! He’s on school holidays (just for a week) and we’ve been having such fun together. We’ve had lie-in’s till 6:30am which has been amazing and then the best snuggles in bed until breakfast time. We’ve gone to gym, had smoothies and lots of laughs together. He’s really at such a cute stage. Just loving every moment and trying to commit as much of it to memory as I can!

On the work front, things are also going really well. I’m still working with my coach and we’ve just started on the rebranding and will move onto updating my website soon. Very exciting as it’s all coming together.

On a personal front, gym is going well, I’m really enjoying it and noticing my body is starting to change slowly. I’m feeling stronger and fitter which is great! We leave next week for our 2,5 week road trip around the Eastern Cape staying at some amazing game lodges and holiday accommodations. It’s going to be so amazing and I know Shaun desperately needs the break; he’s been working like a slave for ages now. It will also give us great time together as a family which you can never have too much of.

So life is pretty peachy at the moment and I’ve nothing to complain about! I am so fortunate & blessed!

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