Apps this mother can’t live without!

In these first few weeks of Grayson’s life my phone has been my lifeline. I have ordered meals, spoken & video called friends & family, kept in touch with my tribe, made appointments, tracked feeds and more. To do this I have found the following apps to be ones this mother can’t live without!

  1. Feed Baby: I first used this app with Tristan so just downloaded it again when Grayson came along. It tracks a variety of things related to feeding your baby but I’ve always used it to time my feeds per boob. I’m also going to start using it to track my expressing quantities & times. As far as I can recall it is a free app for both Apple & Android users.
  2. The Wonder Weeks: I’ve recently written a post about this amazing app, click here to read it.
  3. Uber Eats: breakfast, lunch & dinner have been ordered via Uber Eats. When my mom hasn’t been around to help do the shopping. we’ve often run low on food at home and UE has a few great options for us. I order lunch almost daily from the app due to its convenience. It’s super easy to use, delivery is quick and cheap; perfect for busy moms! The app is free.
  4. Happy Color: this colouring in app has kept me awake through my nighttime feeds. Although it would probably be easier and better on my iPad, my phone is just way more practical to hold when feeding. There’s something therapeutic about colouring in. It’s a free app but you can buy it to get rid of adverts (which I did. it was maybe R80.00).
  5. Whatsapp: I really don’t need to say anything here right? Except I’ve even used it to message hubby from the bedroom to request a cup of tea or coffee (on more than 1 occasion).
  6. Instagram: my place to document, share & connect with my tribe. I have received so many wonderful, kind, encouraging messages via this platform and I love it.

So that’s it, my 6 apps that I can’t live without.

Much love xxx

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