August; you’re it!

Saw my gynae today and we spoke about when Tristan’s going to get a sibling and I said that I want to fall pregnant in August. Now I know that falling pregnant can’t be planned so perfectly but that’s my ideal and I am going to do what I can achieve that. As I don’t ovulate every month or at the same time every month I need a blood test to tell me when I’m ovulating so, our plan, is to stop the pill when I finish my current pack then give my ovaries 2 months so ‘settle’ being off the pill and then we will try in July and then have a blood test in August and fingers crossed it works first time round like with Tristan.

So that means we should have baby #2 around May 2019 which will make Tristan 3y5m which is the exact age gap I wanted! Yay! It’s all very exciting but quite scary at the same time because 1) I will go back onto anti-depressants in my third trimester to prevent the onset of postnatal depression again, 2) I can see from friends that having 2 kids is no joke but I’m hoping with a bigger age gap it will be slightly easier, 3) Shaun will need to be able to give us more time and work less. There’s no way I could cope with being up all night with a newborn and then have to get Tristan dressed, fed, ready & dropped at school all on my own.

Some things I want to do differently this time round are 1) losing 5kgs before I fall pregnant which is totally do-able so now that I have an actual goal date when I’m back from Bangkok I’m really going to focus and do it, 2) keep active all the way through. Keep going to gym at least 3 times a week and doing both cardio & weighted workouts, 3) not be so fixated on doing things perfectly. I now know that you can mess up and they turn out ok. Tristan is such a champ and look what he had to put up with when he was tiny! PND is no fun for anyone involved. 4) I will ask for help, accept help and do things, like getting meals delivered, to make my life easier. I don’t want to pick up weight like I did after those first 3 months.

So over the coming 3 months I am going to watch what I eat, work out more (I have the time so there’s absolutely no excuse) and prepare myself mentally & physically for another pregnancy. How exciting!!!

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