My eating plan

I had quite a few DM’s asking me to share my eating plan. It’s too much for an Instagram grid post so here’s the details.

Please note the following:

  • This is based on the macros advised by my coach
  • I am not a dietician
  • I am aiming for progress not perfection
  • This is not a quick fix
  • I fail a lot, but I keep on getting back up again and trying


Breakfast can be split into 2 sittings or just 1.

Green juice with oats: 1/2 frozen banana, handful fresh baby spinach, few sprigs of mint, 1/2 apple, 2 small sticks celery, 20g collagen, 1/4 cup oats, water.

Green juice before school drop off: 1/2 frozen banana, handful fresh baby spinach, few sprigs of mint, 1/2 apple, 2 small sticks celery, 20g collagen, water.

Oats after drop off: 30g oats made with water. Add 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1/4 cup milk


I have a few lunch options depending on whether I’m at home or not. I absolutely LOVE Kauai so will always get one of their salads or wraps if I’m out. It’s also great because it’s easy to track on MyFitnessPal.

Kauai lunch if out: Thai crunch salad or wrap (I remove the broccoli because it gives Grayson a sore tummy as I’m breastfeeding), tropical chicken, princess or harvest wrap.

Home lunch: lettuce, cucumber, tomato, 100g salmon or trout, 90g cottage cheese, 30g honey balsamic dressing and 25g toasted sunflower seeds. I bulk it up with micro leaf / lettuce mix & cucumber if very hungry!


Dinners are toughest for me at the moment. By the end of the day I am exhausted, everyone’s a little moany & tired, Grayson needs his final sleep before bed & Tristan wants my attention. I need meals that are quick, easy to prepare, nutritious & tasty. Ideally if I can make double quantity then Shaun can have it for lunch the next day as well or we can have it another night! I want to start trying to make dinner during the day while Grayson has a sleep so that, come dinner time, it’s just a case of heating up what’s been made. This is still a work in progress as each day is so different for me. I have made all of these. Although some indicate they take an hour I’ve made them in 30 minutes or less so for me that works well. I love Kayla’s meals because they are super tasty; I find if food is bland I am more likely to want something extra to satisfy my taste buds.

  1. Kayla Itsines cajun chicken burger with salad
  2. My chicken stir fry (cabbage, broccoli, sweetcorn, chicken, soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, courgettes, carrots, mushrooms, onion, noodles)
  3. Kayla Itsines Greek lamb pizza
  4. Kayla Itsines chicken enchilada with salad
  5. Kayla Itsines chicken pad Thai
  6. Kayla Itsines nasi goreng with egg
  7. Grilled chicken, homemade pesto (always make bulk) with veggies


As I am still breastfeeding Grayson, I do edit some of the recipes to suit myself. For example I don’t put as much tomato in the enchiladas, I limit the amount of broccoli & cabbage in the stir fry and rather bulk up with courgette ribbons, etc.

Granade Carb Killer protein barI also have a ‘treat’ every night after dinner with my tea. It’s my “carrot” at the end of a day and makes me want to stick to my plan better so that I can have it. What is it you ask? A Grenade bar! If you haven’t tasted these before, you’ll be in heaven when you do! They are available at Dischem for around R38.00 per 60g bar. Totally worth it I promise. My favourites are birthday cake, banana armour, peanut nutter & dark chocolate mint. But they are actually all delicious!

Finally, I track all of this daily in my MyFitnessPal app on my phone. I input the Grenade Bar first, then breakfast, supper, lunch and lastly daytime snacks. I sometimes need to adjust things as I go. My daytime snacks are carrots, or cucumber, rice cakes with peanut butter, etc.

My plan

Once I am better (I have laryngitis if you don’t know) I want to start exercising again and doing my weekly pilates class. I hope my plan will inspire you. This is not a static plan, I do intend to change and update my eating plan as I find I can get bored quite easily. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments I’d love to hear from you.

Much love xxx

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