Separation anxiety

Today when I dropped Tristan off at the gym creche so I could do my workout, he had a complete meltdown and I (eventually) went to do my workout but felt really saddened by his reaction to my leaving. This is our separation anxiety story.

Tristan is coming to the end of a 3 week school holiday and we’ve had the best time! He’s really at a super age right now and is full of conversation and has me laughing out loud throughout the day. But along with all this joy, he’s spent 3 full weeks with me, all the time, and I think we’re going to have a big problem going back to school come Monday.

During the holidays I took him to holiday club maybe 3 times and I’ve taken him to gym with me twice and each time it’s come time for me to leave he’d get really REALLY upset. And that upsets me. Tristan’s never really suffered from any separation anxiety; he’s always been very happy & content for me to leave him with family, baby sitter, school teachers, gym creche staff etc but I’ve seen a huge change in his response to being left this holiday and today was the worst.

So I am really dreading school on Monday for this reason; it breaks my heart hearing & seeing him cry out for me and I have to leave him and walk away. I know he recovers quickly once I’m gone and I know he has fun and he knows I will always come back to get him but still, it isn’t easy and I am dreading it. I know that after being back at school for a few days he’ll get over it but it’s a process. And it’s not one that is easy for either party.


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