Tristan is currently (almost) 2,5 years old and it occurred to me that, as a stay at home mom (SAHM) has a mental life cycle! Yes, really! So this post will have to have more parts as he grows up, but here's part 1. The mental life cycle of a SAHM Newborn stage (0 - 3 … Continue reading The mental life cycle of a SAHM
Tag: moms life
Busy little bee!
Busy little bee. Today has been a great but relatively busy day for me! Tristan woke, as he seems to be doing every morning these days, at 5am. By 7am we were up and dressed and ready for breakfast. After I dropped him off at school I hit the gym and had a great workout. … Continue reading Busy little bee!
A feeling I can’t put my finger on
A feeling I can't put my finger on. I wasn't going to write anything today, but I'm sitting in bed (it's 9:20pm) and I have a feeling that I can't name; I can put my finger on exactly what it is. I know it feels uncomfortable and uneasy. It makes me feel a little scared … Continue reading A feeling I can’t put my finger on