Take 5

Take 5. As a working mom, work at home mom, momprenuer or any other term you want to give it, you never get a moments rest. Moms who go to work usually have an hour or so on their drive to and from work for themselves. To listen to the radio, or some music or a podcast or just to be alone in total silence. They also get to go to the toilet alone throughout the day. Me as a momprenuer don’t get any such ‘luxuries’ in my day. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep I’m switched on and on the go. If Tristan is at school and adventure zone I’m busy doing house admin or work. Then when he’s at home I’m busy playing with him. Once he’s in bed I usually watch about 1 hour of tv shows before going to bed but even during that time I’m never usually totally relaxed. I’ll be catch up on emails or updating my social media or something!

But I’ve still been told that being a stay at home mum is so easy and relaxing. Say whaaaat???? Pfffftttt!!!


So when weekends come around and I can find time to lie on my bed / the couch with my feet up and relax or evens so decedent as to have a nap I grab it with both arms! Because I also need to take 5 sometimes!

One thought on “Take 5

  1. SerenaBrontide says:

    Relatable!! Working from home is exhausting. I feel like I’m going in circles all day and never getting anything done. I find myself jealous that my partner gets to go to work, and even has an hour long drive each way. But I know that it would hurt too much to leave our son for so long. Meanwhile, I’ve been trying to squeeze in a 10 minute shower for the last 3 days and failing. ?? I’m glad to know I’m not the only one.

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