The days are long but the years are short

The days are long but the years are short. I’m sitting here thinking back just a couple of months and thinking to myself, how was I ever going to get Tristan to drop his nighttime bottle and eventually sleep in a big bed. Fast forward to now and he’s not only dropped his bedtime bottle but is also sleeping in a big bed! Hectic! And it happened so easily. He was sick and milk made him cough and vomit so we just dropped it and his bedtime routine changed slightly in that he now baths, has a sip of water, I read him a story, we have a quick cuddle and I put him in the bed and he’s asleep! And to be honest it makes life so much easier for all of us. Oh I do miss those snuggles and at the time, because of my PND, I just wanted him to not need me so much, but now I (sometimes) wish he’d just want to be cuddled and for me to lie with him.

I can’t believe that in just over 3 months he’ll be 2 years old! Where did the time go? I guess this is when you realize that the days are long but the years short! Those first few months (well 14 months for me) felt like a lifetime and I struggled to get through them, but here we are, 3 months short of his 2nd birthday and I suddenly realize that time has flown by! My little baby became a little boy right in front of my eyes. But, he’s still my little baby in so many ways but I am just amazed at the little person he’s turning out to be.

I’m pretty certain that we’ll have another one, but we’ll only try mid next year as I don’t want another December baby. I think having the next one in March / April will be good which means that we need to see the fertility doctor around July / August. We’ll go straight to the doctor because of my irregular ovulating so it’s just easier that they test my blood and tell us when it’s “go time”! 🙂 Lol.


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