What I’ve been reading

A couple of weeks back I posted a picture of 2 books I’d bought, physical copies not on my Kindle. They were The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and The Gift of a Happy Mother by Rebecca Eanes. As I explained in that post, neither of these books are novels, they are books that require thought and consideration and implementation. So, I’ve made a start on The Happiness Project book and am pleased to inform you that I am really enjoying the book thus far but have also made a start on my own happiness project alongside the book. The Gift of a Happy Mother also needs to be tackled, but right now I feel I only have space for 1 so that will just have to wait a little longer.

In the meantime, I’ve also been reading what I like to call “mind bubblegum” books; easy, enjoyable fictional stories. I’m trying to avoid too much tv myself so that I have plenty of series to watch & catch up on once Baby Shark is here. It’s so much easier to watch TV with a newborn than read a book (well that’s my opinion anyway).

What have I been reading?

Here are just a few of my favourites! (I think in total I’ve read about 14 books in the last 2-odd months!

  1. The house across the street by Lesley Pearse. I absolutely love this author, been reading her books for years and I loved this book. It’s set in the 60’s from the viewpoint of a young woman, Katy. The house over the road burns down, her father is arrested and she goes about trying to find out who did it. It’s got lots of twists and is totally gripping.
  2. The Baby Trail trilogy by Sinead Moriarty. This trilogy is based on truth, Sinead’s (authors) own personal experience through infertility, IVF, adoption and much  more. I really don’t want to say too much and give it all away but I absolutely loved (and devoured) this trilogy. Beautifully written and a wonderful, sad, funny story!
  3. The secrets of Primrose Square by Claudia Carroll. Set in Dublin, Ireland, this story tells the tale of the various people living in Primrose Square. From a mother mourning the loss of her teenage daughter while still having another young daughter to care for, to the friendly widow and the aspiring theatre director that moves into one of the flats. It’s funny & sad and just wonderful easy reading.
  4. The Girl in the Letter by Emily Gunn. I absolutely loved this book; struggled to put it down! A journalist, Samantha, who’s desperate for her big break finds a letter, from the 1950’s from a young mother, begging to be rescued from a brooding house for unmarried mothers. Samantha sets about trying to find out more about what happened at the brooding house and makes some startling discoveries; some of which are disturbingly close to home!

Some other titles I have enjoyed

I really feel I could go on and on telling you about all the books I’ve read, however, here’s just a list of the others I’ve read which I also thoroughly enjoyed.

  • Maybe this time by Jill Mansell
  • The Single Mums’ Mansion by Janet Hoggart
  • Kiss by Jill Mansell
  • Head over heels by Jill Mansell
  • I owe you one by Sophie Kinsella
  • Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts
  • A rose petal summer by Katie Fforde
  • Woman in the wood by Lesley Pearce
  • For once in my life by Colleen Coleman

I hope you find something you enjoy off my first ever “What I’ve been reading” blog post!

Much love xxx

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