2018 is going to be my bitch!

2018 is going to be my bitch! I’m going to smash so many goals it’s actually not even funny! I am going to:

  • lose weight – ideally 10kgs – before I fall pregnant later this year
  • turn my amazing passion into a profitable small business
  • learn to be more patient with hubby & Tristan
  • learn to sew
  • get fitter

I know it’s still early in January but I’m really feeling strong about my resolve this year! Today I smashed it out at gym and burnt 501 calories and ate super healthy all day; I know I can do this and I WILL!

My passion – my business – Southey Travel. Currently my old website is still live and will be taking my new site live in about 2 weeks time. I love my new site and branding but I am feeling really lost about how to drum up more business. I need more clients is the bottom line. Yes referrals are amazing and are generally the best because it’s an almost guaranteed sale, but I also would love organic clients to come my way. So I’ve created a survey which I sent out to my whole database and am hoping for some really helpful data to come from that. I’ve also been researching Facebook & Instagram advertising so will look into that more tomorrow. I’ve also registered / created a profile with suggested tours on safari bookings dot com and would really love to start seeing some enquiries coming through from that but so far, nothing!

How do other small business entrepreneurs get it right? Is it because they are local offering local services so it’s easier to define your target market and then know how to speak to them where they hang out? What is it? Why can’t I seem to get this right? I feel like I’m stuck and am either missing something or am just not seeing past my blinkers.


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