Starting a blog

Growing a blog

Blogging tipsGrowing a blog is something I am constantly working on. I think this is the case for 90% of bloggers. My social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest) are my main source of traffic to my blog. My traffic is nowhere near as high as I’d like it to be but growing a blog takes time & hard work.

Pinterest is something I am trying to work on consistently. It is a great, effective (if done right) and free marketing tool for growing a blog. Carly Crawford, who’s just released her first ebook says “Pinterest is a fantastic source of traffic for most bloggers. Done right, it can be a real game changer, not only for increasing traffic to your website, but for reaching new audiences, researching trends and being current and approachable to your ideal audience too.”

Definition of blog by Merriam-Webster

1: a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer.

2a regular feature appearing as part of an online publication that typically relates to a particular topic and consists of articles and personal commentary by one or more authors. 

Starting a blog

Growing a blogI started a blog because I enjoy writing. I’m not particularly good at it but it helps me process thoughts, ideas and incidents.

Starting a blog is pretty simple; you need a website (so many free options available such as WordPress & Wix) and a blog name. You obviously need a laptop or PC, internet connection and away you go!

When I started my blog I literally wanted to have a written record of my journey as a mom (that was it’s first name actually) and all the ups & downs.

Top tips

My top tips for starting & growing a blog are:

  1. Find & follow experts on growing a blog. Current favourites are Boo Roo & Tigger Too, Britmums & the Fairy Blog Mother.
  2. Learn all you can about Pinterest. I am currently all over Jen Stanbrook. She is amazing!
  3. Just start writing. It seems daunting at first but then you suddenly find you have so much you want to say!
  4. Choose a niche. This one can seem easy but it also can change over time. I started my blog to share my journey as a mum and my postnatal depression story. I wanted to help others feel they weren’t alone through something so horrible. But as Tristan has grown up and now that Grayson has come along, I find I’m wanting to diversify a bit. I will still always blog about my journey but I also want to share reviews of favourite products & places. I want to share stories from other moms such as my fat mom slim series. Those core reasons for starting a blog will never change, I will just add extra content to compliment that.
  5. Use your own photos wherever possible. I love taking pictures; I actually bought myself a camera last year and have loved teaching myself. But you don’t need a fancy camera or flatlay boards or props. You can use your phone and an editing software such as lightroom (it’s free on your mobile but paid on desktop). Personally I feel more connected with what I’m reading if I know the author has used her own photos.
Growing a blog is like asking how long is a piece of string. It’s never ending. Just as you feel you’re starting to master one aspect, things change (algorithms, etc) or new ideas come to light.
Much love xxx

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