Covid diary

Covid diary

Covid19 or the coronavirus needs no introduction. It’s been well over 100 days for us. Our personal lockdown started before the South African government implemented the official one. We’ve been homeschooling, avoiding contact with people, having no playdates and doing what we can to keep the kids safe & entertained. I haven’t exactly been keeping a physical covid diary because most days look & feel the same.

Friends who are family & family

My folks haven’t live in Cape Town for over 10 years now, but we are fortunate to be able to see each other regularly. Either they come to Cape Town or we go to Fancourt. The last time I physically saw my parents was at my cousins wedding, in February. Yes we see each other every single day on FaceTime but it’s just not the same.

My friends are also in lockdown so we haven’t seen them much. We have seen our best friends twice, twice in over 100 days! It’s hard! My pregnant friend, haven’t seen her at all (except video calls). It’s hard. Everyone misses each other but we need to do the right thing to keep each other safe. Especially those at high risk.

Social diary

What we have done, almost every Friday night, is have drinks with our neighbours in the street between our houses. We all maintain our 1,5m distance from each other, we provide our own chairs & drinks and we chat. We laugh. And it’s food for the soul.

One positive to come out of the coronavirus lockdown is this; we have actually gotten to know our neighbours that much better and it’s such a lovely sense of community we now have.

Human contact

I am not a religious person, I don’t go to church. But I am spiritual and seeing & hugging my friends and family makes my soul happy. Yes I get hugs from hubby and the boys, but there is something about human contact that is so important. And over 100 days later, having celebrated my 40th & Grayson’s 1st birthdays in lockdown, no parties or physical congratulations is taking its toll.

Covid honesty

To be honest with you all, I am struggling with the mundaneness of it all. Every day is the same, nothing changes. I want life to return to what it was. Some days I really just want to visit my parents. pop to the shops, meet a friend for coffee or enjoy a braai with friends. Enjoy a dinner date at a restaurant with Mr M. When will we get to do all these things again?

Covid diary

Sadly it seems my covid diary will need more pages. I have filled the first 100 pages; will we get to 200 pages aka days? Time will tell.

In the last 7 days, South Africa has confirmed almost 82500 covid cases! That is frightening! Bear in mind those are only the cases that are report; how many are going unreported or even unknown?

I will continue to do what I can to flatten the curve, I hope you will too.

Much love xxx

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