Master shopping checklist

Master shopping checklist

We’ve been in lockdown since 14 March; today marks 9 weeks + 1 day. That’s 64 days! What have I learnt in lockdown? Amongst other things, how to plan a master shopping checklist so we go the shops as rarely as possible.

I’ve always shopped twice, sometimes 3 times a week. I have never planned more than 2 dinners in advance. That was how I was bought up so it’s what I know. Lockdown rules state that we can only go out for essentials & medical reasons. Initially I really struggled; Mr M would ask me to write a list so he could go to the shops and I’d write down enough for 2, max 3 days. That was not going cut it under lockdown rules & his work commitments & me having no help with the kids. I can’t take the to the shops so we (i.e. I) needed to start planning more so we visited the shops less.

We pop to the shop once a week for fresh items, but I now have a list of everything we need for the house, including groceries, and we try buy all non-perishable items once a month. So my master shopping checklist was born and I decided to share that with you incase you need it to.

I haven’t gone so far as to specify which shop I buy what at, but I shop at Woolworths, Pick ‘n Pay, Dischem, Wellness Warehouse & Baby City. What a month supply looks like for each of us is also different so that’s something you will need to figure out.

If you’d like a copy, please just click here, you know I’m all about sharing! You can add or remove as you see fit, but I have found this incredibly useful when planning our shop visits.

Keep safe & much love xxx

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