The pegasus homeopathic series. Part 1

When Ian from Pegasus homeopathic said he’d like to collaborate and offered me a complimentary blue box I jumped at the opportunity to work with his product.

I first learnt about the Pegasus homeopathic pillules when Tristan was about 6 months old. I was at a weekly moms group talk and Ian visited us and detailed all the remedies and how they helped. I knew little about homeopathic remedies at the time but was thrilled that they were 100% safe for children, even newborns, and pregnant & breastfeeding mothers! I didn’t feel it necessary to buy the whole blue box at that stage so instead went out and bought just the ones I felt we needed. (FYI the blue box contains 28 easy-to-use remedies in in 1 convenient box).

At that stage Tristan was teething so that was the first bottle I bought. They helped with teething, pain & fever; all symptoms associated with teething in babies. By this stage Tristan was getting bottles so it was super easy to drop 3 – 5 pillules into all his bottles to help ease his discomfort. Initially you dose regularly and then ease up as symptoms decrease. I also bought the sleep pillules and dropped those into his bedtime & nighttime feed bottles. As you can’t overdose on these, I felt 100% safe giving him these remedies regularly.

Some other key points about the pillules are:
– they don’t expire
– they are safe to use with other medications
– convenient travel size bottles

Availability: the pillules are available at most good pharmacies countrywide (you can view the list of stockists here), alternatively you can buy directly off their website here.

Next week I will discuss some of the other remedies I’ve used.

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