The pegasus homeopathic series. Part 2

In part 1 I discussed the remedies I used and loved when Tristan was a baby; in this post I want to cover some of the remedies I’ve used as an adult in this pegasus homeopathic series.

Funnily enough, just last week I got a spider (I think it was a spider at least) bite on my right leg. I immediately went to my blue box and looked if there was a suitable remedy. Yes, bites! The book you get with the blue box is so helpful; it details the ingredients in each remedy and how they help that specific symptom. In less than 24 hours the swelling around the bite had gone down and the skin was no longer hard or hot to the touch. The skin was also no longer red & inflamed. There’s also a ‘sting’ remedy which I could also have used.

We all know that, when pregnant we can only take panado to relieve any pain from a headache. And lets be honest, it does little to really help. But the headache pillules are great. Yes homeopathic remedies take a little longer to kick in, but when I feel a headache coming on I start taking 5 pillules every 30 minutes, and before I know it the headache has lifted.

The information booklet is literally a one-stop-shop for every and any ailment; at the back it has a detailed and thorough list of conditions which are cross-referenced with the remedy to choose as well as some ‘common sense measures’.

Something I haven’t used yet but am thrilled to find in my box, is the herbal antiseptic solution. This is great for cuts, abrasions, puncture wounds & minor burns. I am fortunate that Tristan hasn’t had many cuts or abrasions yet but I am sure that time will come soon enough!

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