My mom bod is not what I dreamed & hoped it would be. Every day on social media & in life I am faced with 3 main types of mums. Those that naturally bounced back to their former shape & size, those that have worked really hard to get back their pre-baby bodies (and sometimes … Continue reading My mum tum
Category: Health
The pegasus homeopathic series. Part 2
In part 1 I discussed the remedies I used and loved when Tristan was a baby; in this post I want to cover some of the remedies I've used as an adult in this pegasus homeopathic series. Funnily enough, just last week I got a spider (I think it was a spider at least) bite on … Continue reading The pegasus homeopathic series. Part 2
The pegasus homeopathic series. Part 1
When Ian from Pegasus homeopathic said he'd like to collaborate and offered me a complimentary blue box I jumped at the opportunity to work with his product. I first learnt about the Pegasus homeopathic pillules when Tristan was about 6 months old. I was at a weekly moms group talk and Ian visited us and detailed … Continue reading The pegasus homeopathic series. Part 1
Vegetarianism by definition is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animal slaughter. Am I currently a vegetarian? No! But it is something that has been rolling around my head for some time now. … Continue reading Vegetarianism
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Many people have heard of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) but few (including myself) actually know what it is. I've heard the term used by both friends and on various blogs and each story is different. And that's because we are all different and so are our bodies. But this is my story... My story actually … Continue reading Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
A toddlers health
Let's start at the beginning; on Saturday (16th) Tristan woke with a bit of a cough and runny nose. I gave him so Dimetapp & Calpol and he seemed fine, until Monday! On Monday he woke with a very runny nose and a cough so I kept him home from school. That night was rough, … Continue reading A toddlers health
The mental life cycle of a SAHM
Tristan is currently (almost) 2,5 years old and it occurred to me that, as a stay at home mom (SAHM) has a mental life cycle! Yes, really! So this post will have to have more parts as he grows up, but here's part 1. The mental life cycle of a SAHM Newborn stage (0 - 3 … Continue reading The mental life cycle of a SAHM
My postnatal depression story
I want to write this all down before it becomes a too distant memory. I think I've shared bits and pieces of my experience before but I felt it deserves its own post, so here goes. Firstly everyone's experience with postnatal depression (PND) is different and unique. My story will be completely different to every … Continue reading My postnatal depression story
Keeping it real
Keeping it real. I'm sitting here in my bed (please note that is actually 2:15pm so really shouldn't be in bed) but it's raining! Yes, actual real soaking rain and it's just heavenly to watch and listen to. The drought has been so severe it's just bliss to have some rain. Hopefully (fingers crossed) this … Continue reading Keeping it real
Postpartum body
Postpartum body. The topic that consumes my thoughts a LOT! And when I say a lot I mean that it is something I think about and obsess about probably 70 - 80% of the day. I don't eat or drink something without thinking about how it will affect my weight. I recently (23rd February) started … Continue reading Postpartum body