Change is big! Moving is one of the toughest thing a family can go through. A move to a different city adds another layer to that. Whilst moving internationally, well that's just a whole other dimension. Since January the kids have moved city (and home obviously), started at new schools, had to make new friends … Continue reading Change is big
Go with the flow
I'm not what you'd describe as a "go with the flow" kinda gal. I love knowing what's happening where and at what time. Going with the flow does not come naturally nor easily to me. One thing I've learnt from Covid19 is that I can go with the flow more than I thought. But... But … Continue reading Go with the flow
Material possessions, but sentimental
This post was written in November 2018 A few months ago I noticed that the rings I was given for my 21st were missing. I didn't think anything more than, 'I must look properly' as I was in a hurry. In hindsight, I should have acted then because now it's too late! Around the same … Continue reading Material possessions, but sentimental
Pregnancy and childbirth
There is so much about pregnancy and childbirth that is kept quiet. Not only the realness of postnatal / postpartum depression which I speak about a lot, but so many other things. If you are newly pregnant or just about to give birth maybe you need to grab a cup of tea and have a … Continue reading Pregnancy and childbirth
Turning 40
When I turned 30, turning 40 seemed like a lifetime away. People who were 40 were old, had grown up children, were fully fledged adults. But I'm now 40 and I certainly don't feel that way. When I think of all that I did in those 10 years I feel proud! Turning 40, for me … Continue reading Turning 40
Instagram... actually social media in general is weird. Who's with me? No one? Ok read a little more and you can decide at the end of this post. We follow, like and comment on photos posted by people that, most of the time, we don't even know! Why are we so interested in other people's … Continue reading Instagram
Having a third baby
Having a third baby has pros & cons. It's weird I'm even writing this blog because, after Tristan I wasn't ever going to have a 2nd child and now look at me! Note: do NOT judge me. I wrote this as a way for me to process my thoughts & feelings on having a third … Continue reading Having a third baby
Being the wife of an entrepreneur
Being the wife of an entrepreneur brings with it a whole bunch of challenges. I regularly hear comments like "why are you always doing things alone", "can't Mr M join us for a meal", "is Mr M seriously working all weekend", "does Mr M ever not work?" and so much more! People love to fantasize … Continue reading Being the wife of an entrepreneur
Christmas wish list 2020
Can you even handle that Christmas 2020 is just 10 weeks away? This year has flown by (I think largely due to the Covid19 pandemic & lockdown) and I can't believe it's time to share my Christmas wish list 2020 with you'all. As you know we are emigrating early 2021, so my personal Christmas wish … Continue reading Christmas wish list 2020
Your diet is not only what you eat
I met Claire some 5 or 6 years ago; we started Crossfit together and struck up an instant friendship. When she moved to Durban I was so sad to see her go, but it was the right move for her & her 3 beautiful girls. Claire used to compete in fitness competitions in Holland, has … Continue reading Your diet is not only what you eat