
Change is big

Change is big! Moving is one of the toughest thing a family can go through. A move to a different city adds another layer to that. Whilst moving internationally, well that's just a whole other dimension. Since January the kids have moved city (and home obviously), started at new schools, had to make new friends … Continue reading Change is big

Turning 40

Turning 40

When I turned 30, turning 40 seemed like a lifetime away. People who were 40 were old, had grown up children, were fully fledged adults. But I'm now 40 and I certainly don't feel that way. When I think of all that I did in those 10 years I feel proud! Turning 40, for me … Continue reading Turning 40

Social media


Instagram... actually social media in general is weird. Who's with me? No one? Ok read a little more and you can decide at the end of this post. We follow, like and comment on photos posted by people that, most of the time, we don't even know! Why are we so interested in other people's … Continue reading Instagram