On Sunday 3 April I got the message from my husband no mother ever wants to receive. It was a picture and a voice note in which I could only hear Grayson screaming & crying... he'd had a fall and, from Shaun's suspicions, broken his leg! Queue mom guilt because I wasn't there. I was … Continue reading Broken leg
Category: Kids
Change is big
Change is big! Moving is one of the toughest thing a family can go through. A move to a different city adds another layer to that. Whilst moving internationally, well that's just a whole other dimension. Since January the kids have moved city (and home obviously), started at new schools, had to make new friends … Continue reading Change is big
Rainy day activities
Winter has arrived which means going outside is becoming more limited. Not only are we homeschooling our little people (thanks COVID19), but school holidays are on the horizon which means no online schooling for a while. So in light of this I thought why not share the list of our favourite rainy day activities with … Continue reading Rainy day activities
How to parent a threenager part 2
I really didn't foresee myself writing another post about this topic; how to parent a threenager! This morning was probably one of the worst Tristan and I have had since the curse of the threenager hit us. I actually sat and filmed 3 video's about it in my car after dropping him off at school … Continue reading How to parent a threenager part 2
How to parent a threenager
If you thought you'd be reading a blog containing the holy grail of parenting techniques for a threenager I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. Or will you?Parenting a threenager is the same as anything else with parenting; no one has the right or wrong answer. It's all based on our personal experience and our … Continue reading How to parent a threenager
No more nappies!
Last night we decided to give Tristan the opportunity to try and sleep without a nappy, and he rocked it! When he started at school this year, being the youngest in his class by a few months, he was still wearing nappies all the time. As many of the other children in his class started … Continue reading No more nappies!
Toddler behaviour
I'm really not sure how to start this, but Tristan has been getting more and more stubborn as the days & weeks pass us by. Maybe it's him just trying to express his need to make decisions himself, or it's a battle of our wills, but whatever it is it's starting to drive my dilly! Toddler … Continue reading Toddler behaviour
When we bought Tristan home from the hospital he spent the first few nights, in a moses basket, next to my bed. Pretty quickly we realised newborns make a LOT of noise when they sleep and my husband was struggling to sleep through that and me constantly getting up to feed, burp, change nappy so … Continue reading Co-sleeping
Separation anxiety
Today when I dropped Tristan off at the gym creche so I could do my workout, he had a complete meltdown and I (eventually) went to do my workout but felt really saddened by his reaction to my leaving. This is our separation anxiety story. Tristan is coming to the end of a 3 week … Continue reading Separation anxiety
Help! My toddler sucks at independent play!
Something I've been grappling with for some time is Tristan's inability to play alone when he's at home with me. At school I'm told he plays well alone and with others so it's not as if he can't. But when we are at home and I need to get things done, whether that be cooking, … Continue reading Help! My toddler sucks at independent play!