The Wonder Weeks

Ever heard of or used The Wonder Weeks app? When I had Tristan I used this amazing & very insightful app to help us know when things would be a little tougher (than normal) and what to expect and, most importantly, why he was more needy, requiring more comfort and feeding. What does it cost? … Continue reading The Wonder Weeks

Mom 2 boys

So last night I couldn't sleep. I'm going to be a mom to 2 boys and there's a small part of me that's sad & disappointed that I'm not having a girl. Now before you go all crazy on my arse about not being grateful that I'm pregnant bla bla bla, let me just say … Continue reading Mom 2 boys

My anxieties

I decided not to take the clomid again. I'm waiting for an appointment confirmation with my psychologist. My mental health & wellbeing is more important and this whole situation is driving me dilly. But I've got real concerns about having a second baby and it appears I'm not alone. I did some googling last night … Continue reading My anxieties